Thesis Title: Cinématique à grande et moyenne échelles du milieu interstellaire ionisé de la galaxie M33
Masters in Physics 1994 -1996
Laval University
Thesis Title: Étude morphologique des champs de vitesse, de dispersion de vitesse et de densité de la région H II Sharpless 269
Bachelor’s in Physics 1990 – 1994
Laval University
Publications relative to my graduate studies research:
Marston, A. P.; Drissen, L. Godbout, S., 1999, “A Fabry-Perot study of Wolf-Rayet ring nebulae in M33” dans Wolf-Rayet Phenomena in Massive Stars and Starburst Galaxies. Proceedings of th 193rd symposium of the International Astronomical Union held in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 3-7 November 1998″. Edited by Karel A. van der Hucht, Gloria Koenigsberger, and Philippe R. J. Eenens. San Francisco, Calif. : Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1999., p.372.
Godbout, S.; Joncas, G.; Drissen, L., 1998 “Kinematical study of old HII regions and optical counterpart to the DRAO Canadian Galactic Plane survey ’’ in Publications Astronomical Society of Australia, vol. 15, no. 1, p. 60-63.
English, J.; Taylor, A. R.; Irwin, J. A.; Dougherty, S. M.; Basu, S.; Beichman, C.; Brown, J.; Cao, Y.; Carignan, C.; Crabtree, D.; Dewdney, P.; Duric, N.; Fich, M.; Gagnon, E.; Galt, J.; Germain, S.; Ghazzali, N.; Gibson, S. J.; Godbout, S.; Gray, A.; Green, D. A.; Heiles, C.; Heyer, M.; Higgs, L.; Jean, S.; Johnstone, D.; Joncas, G.; Landecker, T.; Langer, W.; Leahy, D.; Martin, P.; Matthews, H.; McCutcheon, W.; Moriarity-Scheiven, G.; Pineault, S.; Purton, C.; Roger, R.; Routledge, D.; St-Louis, N.; Tapping, K.; Terebey, S.; Vaneldik, F.; Watson, D.; Willis, T.; Wendker, H.; Zhang, X., 1998, “The Canadian Galactic Plane Survey’’ dans Publications Astronomical Society of Australia, vol. 15, no. 1, p. 56-59.
Godbout, S., 1996, “The H II region Sharpless 269 : a morphological study of its radial velocity dispersion and density fields.’’ In Journal of the Royal Astronomical. Society of Canada., 90, p. 324.